God has made me forget my toil | Gen. 41:51

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Vision Bearer


Passion is the drive of purpose and a purpose-driven life can only create beauty where consistency, obedience, and structure are put in place. My life has not always been this peaceful with beauty, yet, God made it possible. Disobedience is the start of a fall of man, yet, just like the parable of the prodigal son (Luke15:1-7), when the realization sets in and we work towards going back to our first love, God takes us in and He renewed His Promise and it is evident in us and seen by All. I am sure your interest is pricked. Take this trip with me!

I come from a staunch Christian background hailing from the central region of Ghana, Komenda, and was raised at Elmina. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Asmah. I am the 7th born among 11 siblings.

I still enjoyed the peace and all that came with it until I left the feet of God through disobedience. Maybe, as much as I was born into a Christian home, I was not saved enough. My lack of self-discipline led me to get involved with a man during my tertiary education at Takoradi Polytechnic in the western region of Ghana and things started going downhill from there. In the quest for love and fear, I forfeited a lot of opportunities after graduating from the tertiary and followed blindly the advice of a man who had a lot of money. I eventually ended up with him with a pregnancy out of wedlock and soon after that things started falling apart because he lost his job as an accountant.

Life showed me its dark side and I suffered the mockery of life and the pain it dished to me. There were moments when I had to beg for alms to survive the day. Things were unbearable to the extent that, I couldn’t afford maternal care. I ended up delivering my first child in my mother’s bathroom. Thanks to my mother, Auntie Regina of blessed memories who showed me great motherly care and love throughout my nine months of pregnancy period through to a time when a gained a little grown after some hustles.

We had to move to Ankwaso in the Western Region of Ghana near Sefwi Bekwai because my son’s father had a new job there. Things were still difficult for us and as an industrious woman, I did not stay Idle but indulged in some farming activities and charcoal production in other to support the home. Abeku’s dad was always against me working and wanted me to solely be a housewife these and many other misunderstandings caused a lot of conflicts in our home and sometimes I become a victim of domestic violence through his violent acts on me.

As I was dealing with the hard times with Abeku’s dad, I nearly lost my son due to a deficiency disease because of what he was suffering from but God intervened. A new dawn did greet me after I made it to the Ashanti Region of Ghana. There was a day I was eating at a chop bar at Asafo market and I compared the price of the food I bought with the price in the central region and western region then I had this powerful resolution that; If I am not able to make it in Kumasi here then I can’t make it anywhere even at abroad.

The start of the new dawn breathed determination, perseverance, and hard work backed by prayer, and where the mercies of God were renewed every morning. God found me, and, He turned all my sorrows into joy. The following are some powerful inspirations from scriptures the Lord inspired me with and has kept me from the start of my greatness to date.

  • - Prayer: Mathew 6:33
  • - Contentment: Hebrews 13:5
  • - What I can do: Exodus 4:2
  • - Perseverance: Exodus 27:40
  • - Hard Work: Colossians 3:23&24

I know pain, I have seen what poverty does to a man. So, have I seen what disobedience does to the soul of a man. So, I am an advocate for hard work, determination, and prayer backed by obedience. These are the words of the founder, Mrs. Regina Turkson the very story that inspired her vision to start Manasseh Foundation. She chose the name “Manasseh” specifically because of its biblical meaning; “God has helped me forget my sorrows” The very meaning of the name Joseph gave to his firstborn makes it a very precise statement that briefs her from the floor-to flourish story.

This story fuels her generous heart and makes her bares that strong desire to help others around her who are going through similar afflictions in life and also extend massive help to the less privileged in society.

Before the official registration of the Manasseh Foundation, Mrs. Regina began to help the needy and embarked on several charitable and life-changing outreaches in 2009. Manasseh Foundation was officially registered as a Non-Governmental Organization in 2012 and has continued as a growing NGO embarking on numerous charity and impactful programs as the years go by which aim at putting smiles on the faces of the needy, impacting the youth and also sharing the love and faith in Christ Jesus.